Selling  Average  iOS War robots account worth over 200 with hundreds of different mid level weapons and robots.

Discussion in 'War Robots Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Will Creffield, 9/10/21.

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  1. Will Creffield

    Will Creffield
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    This account includes -

    Robots -

    2X freedom fafnir, 4X regular fafnir (only 1000 components away from another), 1X blitz, 1X megalodon orochi, 2X regular orochi (4000 components away from another), 1X techno scorpion, 1X hawk, 1X shell (only 500 components away from another), 5X leo, 1X invader, 1X ao jun, 5X natasha, 2X griffin, 1X ao quin 1X fujin, 1X crossack.

    Weapons -

    heavy - 1X stellar hornet, 1X regular hornet, 1X glory, 2X viper, 5X incinerator, 1X tempest, 7X hel, 1X zenit, 1X ancile, 4X kang dae, 8X nashorn, 1X trident, 2X thunder (mk2), 16X thunder (not mk2)

    Medium - 1X warrior Scorcher, 2X regular scoecher, 2X freedom skadi, 5X regular skadi, 1X freedom igniter, 2X regular igniter, 1X cryo, 1X ecu, 1X taran, 30X tumbolas, 1X orcan, 8X molot T, 7X punisher T.

    Light - 1X sheriff magnetar, 3X regular magnetar, 1X dragon blaze, 4X regular blaze, 1X futuristic quarker, 1X regular quarker, 1X toxin, 1X dread scald, 5X regular scald, 4X snaer, 4X sting, 8X noricum, 13X pinata, 2X aphid, 1X magnum, 1X pin, 20X punisher

    Drones -

    1X wasp, 1X the eye, 1X glider, 2X fly, 1X discus, 5X sidekick

    all off the drones apart from sidekicks have rare - legendary microchips

    Motherships -

    1X lvl 53 mantis, 1X lvl38 Dreadnought A42, 1X lvl 3 Monarch

    Titans -

    2X sharanga, 2X zmej Murometz, 1X regular murometz, 1X Arthur

    Titan weapons -

    Beta - 1X zmej Kisten, 1X regular kisten, 4X cyclone, 9X retaliator, 1X krait

    Alpha - 1X Zmej bulava, 2X regular bulava, 3X striker, 1X cataclysm, 16X Vengance

    On average the level for items is around lvl 6 mk1 you are paying for the amount of items not the level of each item.

    Gold - 4.5k
    Silver - 137mil
    energy - 106k
    platinum - 0

    If interested dm me on discord Skiaholic779#1664
    #1 Will Creffield, 9/10/21
    Last edited: 9/13/21
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  2. OP
    Will Creffield

    Will Creffield
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