Selling Want to trade HARDCORE RAIDING rift account on US...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Magdalena Hansen, 9/2/14.

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  1. Magdalena Hansen

    Magdalena Hansen
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    Want to trade HARDCORE RAIDING rift account on US servers for account on europen servers. Account has 3 level 60s. main char is a cleric. full t2 + 2 t3 pieces (2 relic t2 gear and t2 relic weapons) and is geared to heal including a relic healing core..6356 hit without runes. BiS runes and dreamorbs. 7300 spellpower. Max PA and reputation witgh all factions. 11 roles and all the souls avalable. Rank 79,5 in PVP prestige. All the most common achivements including 9/9 FT EE, 4/4 GA, 3/5 PBB, 2/3 IG Akylios main boss and its mini. lord greenscale and its mini plus alll the lvl 50 raids. 50 mounts including a relic squirrle. 70-ish compainions. The second char is a mage and it has 600 hit (t3 ready) and has almost the same achivements the cleric has but less raiding gear. The 3rd 60 is a rogue and there is also a level 45-ish warrior. I want to trade it for a account on european servers with at least 1 character (cleric or mage) that is level 60 with max PA and reputation with all level 60 factions and somewhat geared (OR REX and credidts so i can buy the gear myself. PM me if intressted in a trade for this awesome hardcore account for a european account.
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  2. OP
    Magdalena Hansen

    Magdalena Hansen
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    *635 hit
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