Selling Want to sell my Knights and Dragons account. 10...

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Damian Aspinall, 4/22/17.

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  1. Damian Aspinall

    Damian Aspinall
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    Want to sell my Knights and Dragons account. 10 Shadowforges + 3 Dragonforged with bling sets. (6 Shadowforged are Seasonal ones and 4 Shadowforged are Heroic mode ones. I think 1 or 2 shadowforged have bling sets. Jewlery wise (Meaning bling), it has plenty of 4stars that belong to other dragonforged and shadowforged armors. Pets, it has a few epics, 4stars. Capes, its got quite a few. Has 15gems. Castle is fully upgraded. (3 Blacksmith and rhe rest Training fields fully upgraded with gold + gems. The level of the accounts above 100+ Has 18mil gold. Can easily finish heroic modes for more shadowforged, same with raids it can be easy points made. Ive always tryied to maxx them out but they chew through fusion boost armors lol. None are maxxed. But 4 or 5 are 3/10 acention and the rest are leveled 99/99 or 50/99. Ive quit as i dont have time for the game anymore so, inbox me on facebook. or comment here if interested.
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