Selling Want to sell my iOS account have 3 maxed out epics...

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nads Kads, 9/17/14.

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  1. Nads Kads

    Nads Kads
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    Want to sell my iOS account have 3 maxed out epics ravage, aquatic &specters Have all the last 6 plus versions of the epic boss armour fully upgraded 220 gems 2m Gold 159 2&3 stars armour for enhancing and 45 fusion boosts in all elements . In a guild which comes between top 25-50 always. Full sets of friends ie 129 lvl is 152. For screenshots contact is godfella. Will take any reasonable offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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