Selling Want to sell: Fields all Lvl 3 (max) 4x Aerosmith...

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Christian Horst, 7/14/14.

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  1. Christian Horst

    Christian Horst
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    Want to sell: Fields all Lvl 3 (max) 4x Aerosmith Lvl 3 (max) 650 gems Guild-War Epics+: Hellfire Platemail+ (max) Snowstorm Platemail+ (lvl 80) Guild-War Epics: Stalwart Vanguard (max) Epics + Odin's Call+ (max) Epics Dragonborn Aegis (max) Aquatic Battlegear (max) Armor of the Komodo (lvl 75) Beastmaster Battlegear (lvl 80) Northerner's Battlegear (lvl 60) Centurion Aegis (max) Demortuis Robes (max) Level 200 - Android.. add me on LINE: spawn4ever85
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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