Want To Sell Anarchy Online Account

Discussion in 'Anarchy Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anarchy, 9/30/13.

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  1. Anarchy

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    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

    Likes Received:
    Main Characters Equipment: 4 - Good Gear, Average to Good Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    How many alts over Level 100:

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 160 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Tokens: 20
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partial Gear, Some Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    How many alts over Level 100:

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 220 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Nanos: All endgame
    Tokens: N/A (neut)
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partial Gear, Some Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    How many alts over Level 100:
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 220 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Nanos: All endgame
    Tokens: N/A (neut)
    Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    How many alts over Level 100:
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 220 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Nanos: all
    Tokens: 1001
    Main Characters Equipment: 5 - Uber Gear, Good To Great Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    Please List All Gear And Character: nano technician. shrowd of darkest knight, maidens gloves, combined scout chest sleeves and boots, daljas pants, 1k token board, full 200 symbiants, 205 yutto memory, 300 infused viral compiler, nano controler unit, urga van pads
    Please List All Gear And Character: fixer, GA4, primus head skin chip, syndicate smg, problem avoidance devices, 235 dodge bio, ql180-200 symbiants
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    How many alts over Level 100:
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 167
    Alternate Character Profession: Nano Technician
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Fixer
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Doctor

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 220 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Tokens: 1026
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partial Gear, Some Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    Please List All Gear And Character: QL 300 Ofab Helm/Shoulders - QL 300 Chosen Shoulders, Ofab Hands QL 250 and some misc armor
    Please List All Gear And Character: 206 Enforcer/150 Keeper decently geared
    How many alts over Level 100:

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    Level 220 Male Soldier on Rimor - RK2Tradeskills:
    Main Characters Equipment: 2 - Partial Gear, Some Gear
    Describe All Characters Equipment:
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    Please List All Gear And Character:
    How many alts over Level 100:
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 206
    Alternate Character Profession: Enforcer
    Alternate Character Server: Rimor - RK2
    Alternate Character Level: 150
    Alternate Character Profession: Shade
    Alternate Character Server: Atlantean - RK1
    Alternate Character Level: 173
    Alternate Character Profession: Agent

    Additional InformationTotal Credits
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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