150asc fuwa jadeon. Has +10 - 150Honor Gem Weapon. It doesnt have refined gear, though has full 146 Skytouch Set and a 150Honor Gem Chest piece. Velonus fashion and many more. Dragon sigil inside with few other sigils. Many Yuan Crystals, 2 Accuaracy With 3 stars Anans Necklace (With crit dmg and crit rate) Saggitarius essence Soul Scepter Esper (currently lvl 31 With a lot of green stats) +10kg in stash. Fatecharms, few taichi pill packs, maxed affinity skills, almost maxed fuwa chroma skills ( Thunderblade 2 maxed out), and bunch more valuable stuff. Also the account is 5 years old so it has the 5 year old badge. add me on skype demonas87 if you are interested or drop a msg here.