Hi, how you doing? My first time here, mb for sending an offer before the account info. I have a great (fking awesome) GBM account to sell. It is my personal account, 2+ years playing, I used to play a lot but got really busy and interested in other things these past few months so this is why I'm selling. There's a lot of mobiles, avatar, pets.. More details below: Account level: Golden Dragon I ( 96% or 141957/142660 GP to level up to Golden Dragon II ), League: Gold 2 (It drops 2 ranks every month when the season reset. It was diamond 1 when i stopped playing. I didn't play this month yet, and played a dozen matches last month, so the rank dropped a lilttle. Highest rank I got was Hero 2. Gold: 24537 (change to gear or upgrade pets) Gems: 207 (3x A Mobile Packs cost 150~200) Gears: 2203 (S Rank mobiles cost 2500 gears) S-Mobiles: Adum lvl 50 Aduka Gold lvl 50 Nak lvl 50 Kalsindon lvl 50 Lightning lvl 33 A-Mobiles: J.D lvl 32 Trico lvl 23 Lightning lvl 22 Arrow lvl 3 Plaz lvl 3 + Various A cards to create new avatars S-Avatar: Káka Fully Jeweled with Pet Max lvl 2/3 cards of RoboX2 1/3 Cards of RoboX3 A-Avatars Mummy RoboXZero RoboXDark Koroni 2x Space Lord + a lot of A cards to convert into avatars All of them equipped with great gems and avatars max lvl. I'll leave a few Screenshots so you can check it by yourself. The offer I already sent you. Reach out if interested. Thanks. Edit: Just realized it may not be smart to posts the screenshots with my nickname in here, I'll send them to you via PM