Sold [Want] LF: Okita, Jeanne + Idol costume dresses FT: 6 SSR

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ResolutionEven5635, 10/16/23.

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  1. /u/ResolutionEven5635

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    Looking for an Na account with Okita and Ruler Jeanne and that has all the grail live Idol costume dresses or the tickets that unlock them.

    In exchange I'm trading my currently in middlegame Na account with 6SSR (Koyan, Summer Nero, Saber, Summer Okita Alter, Anastasia and Scheherazade ) friendcode:199,616, 403 bd : unset .

    # #/ResolutionEven5635
    # .
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