Stopped playing hng for a long while. Decided not to keep the account anymore, I'm ready to move on. Some info : Player level : 12 (maxed) Credits : 11288 (stopped playing) Warfunds : 109639 Gold : 800 Soldiers : German : 1 Infantry, 1 Para, 1 Pilot Russian : 1 Infantry(senior lieutenant), 1 Tanker USA : 1 Infantry, 1 Tanker You can see it in more detail in here : I wanted to sell it around 25 euros, but I'm willing to negotiate. Wanna receive payment with digital steam wallet codes, so no direct money transfer. Wanna carry out the transfer while communicating via skype or any other online chatroom. Wanna make sure that payment and delivery will be instant. Will give you an email address associated with the account. You can later change the password and the email if you want. You'll have full control of the account. And no, I never cheated on this account, so there's no chance of any ban. Thanks. You can also reach me via this email - [email protected]