[W] WCS17/18/19 Event, NA Arcanine with CHT tagged [H] Paypal, Event

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/Nluck7, 4/1/24.

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  1. /u/Nluck7

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    I try to complete these Gen7 Event with CHT tagged & proof before 3DS Online Server Shutown.

    If you don't have proof for them, I will consider that too.

    Exeggutor (OT:081817/ID:Worlds17, Untouched/Stock redeem and without using any save manager)

    Meloetta (OT:082418/ID:Worlds18, Untouched/Stock redeem and without using any save manager)

    Aerodactyl (OT:081619/ID:Worlds19, Untouched/Stock redeem and without using any save manager)

    Arcanine (OT:063017/ID:NA Champs 17, Untouched/Stock redeem and without using any save manager)

    I have something for trading too.





    # #/Nluck7
    . .
    #1 /u/Nluck7, 4/1/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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