Selling VS + NC Characters with TONS of Unlocks. (Most Account Wide)

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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    Hey interested in possibly selling my Ps2 account provided I can get a decent offer. Not sure the exact BR of my characters because I had deleted them recently when Account Wide hit for re-location. I think my VS is around 25, and my NC 15-20ish. I will try to give you a general idea of most of the unlocks, most weapons and eq are with cash.

    Neutral : Decimator(Best Rocket Launcher In game IMO)

    Lighting : Skyguard and either AP or HE forget which.

    Sunderer : Dual Bulldog

    Camo : Several Camo's Unlocked, ForestGrey Scale, 2 Green Variations, and I think 2 Desert type. +Loyal Soldier

    Edit: All 3 Factions have Max Armor Unlocked. Almost all VS classes have upgraded helm to cover the face. Most are using the one that looks kind of like a Jason mask but cooler, HA has upgraded Armor. On NC all of the characters except I think Medic also have upgraded helm, most of these characters are the Starwars Spacetrooper style. Awesome with the white camo.

    VS : Have bought a gun package + several other guns, have numerous sniper rifles, auto shot guns, pump shot gun, smgs, On my character all of these weapons have scopes and upgrades. The Jump Jets for LA are close to maxed if not maxed, a long with the snipers cloak ability. Most classes on VS carry 2 grenades, Infantry has max Mines, LA has C4. Max Unit has Dual Vortex Unlocked, Max Flak armor, Lvl 2 or 3 ZoE, and some random stuff here and there. Magrider has the AP and Infantry weapon, fully upgraded boost, each armor is unlocked, It has the cannon on top Halbred? Also has full rival chasis for turning and manuvers. Lighting has full speed upgrade, Sundy should be ammo and respawn available...I am 100% sure I am missing half of my upgrades. Oh yeah, has some upgrades to it + Rocket pods (Would have to check other vehicles I do not use them, possibly have a LIB weapon as well that came in a vehicle pack)

    NC : Also has massive amount of guns unlocked, did not buy the package however because I felt the NC starting sniper is good. Additions are Shot guns, SMG's, Anchor, A couple of the new NS weapons...It goes across Engi LA etc. All are equipped with scopes etc. Jump jets are upgraded along with stealth again. Built similar to the VS, certain classes should have 2 nades, i think flashbangs are unlocked on NC, LA and Inf both have explosives unlocked. Max unit is max flak armor, Dual Ravens, Dual Scat Max


    Bump. Looking to get like $100-150...Most people are trying to charge like 400 for a similar thing.

    Send me an offer though I might take it, selling computer here soon.

    FYI this account really isn't worth anything. BR 15-25 is done in a day or two by a good player. There's no alpha squad or even special unlocks.

    I've purchased BR 70s for 150 with 10x this and alpha squad.
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