Hello, I want to sell following Crew or Account: all sailors are bve UK CV Crew, BO LVL 105 5 Elite Fighter L97 1 11/12 Fighter L97 3 11/11 Torpedo Bomber L85 2 Elite Seamen L85 1 Elite Medic L90 Ships: Malta, Implaceable, Ark Royal US BB Crew: BO L94 2 L89 12/11 Gunner 6 Engineers L85 +12 2 Repairer L86-90 +12 Ships: Sevas, Pensa, Iowa IJN Kita Crew: 2 Elite Torper 3 Elite Engys all around L30, these are not bve .; Push still for sale account has about 17m Credits + 35m points theres a ss3 crew, too push hey It looks at your message m. Then in it we stay but first I would like to see the account