Selling  Android and iOS  Average VIP6 Account at S.3rd Rank with 98598 Merit, over 45 mil power, other relevant details in post

Discussion in 'Be The King Palace Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Redeemer206, 12/22/19.

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  1. Redeemer206

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    Selling this account for the approximate value of how much I spent for gold and bonuses.

    Other details:
    -15 inlaws, at least half are active every day
    -many children born in 40/50 level range due to average intimacy of all confidants to be around 300
    -all heroines unlocked
    -2 traitors unlocked
    -1 legendary brother unlocked
    -1 tiger general unlocked
    -3 exile cages available
    -2 laundry baskets available
    -2 confidant skins unlocked
    -1 retainer skin unlocked

    I can take screenshots of current items available upon request, or screenshots of anything else requested. I've quit my dead alliance so you'll be able to join any alliance you want upon signing in.

    A screenshot of the login name and password has been kept safe on my # and will be readily available to send upon confirmation of sale
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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