Selling Vip5 lvl cap high arena rank top account in...

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/12/15.

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  1. Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    Vip5 lvl cap high arena rank top account in server! Pics inside Hello everyone. I started playing on server 134 the minute it opened up and I have always been a really competitive player, but sadly, that comes at a cost. For me, it's time. Now it's summer and I don't have as much time to complete everything everyday (I still do dailies and max out on stamina everyday and never leave anything not completed). I am looking to sell my very competitive account in said server. Some goals I've reached with this account: -Achieved Rank 1 in Arena when my team level was 44 -Keeping up RANK 3-6 in arena DAILY -Can easily stay in top 10-30 in Grand Arena in case that day I can't climb to rank 3-6 in arena (safety spot) -Part of the best guild (RANK #1) in the server, latest chapters (for our level) unlocked -A LOT of good heroes to choose from in Mercenary Camp (again, #1 Guild in server) -Keeping up with players that are at least VIP10+ -Always beat outland portal -Very high recruitment ratio in Mercenary Camp heroes -15 heroes at least lvl 75 (about 12 of them are maxed out both in levels and skills) -Dominate Booty Cave, barely being attacked due to good teams -Team level 78 as the time of this post (07-23-15) and lvl 80 unlocks in 08-09-15 so still plenty of time -Able to keep up on gems thanks to high arena ranks I will be posting some pictures so you can see I'm not lying. IMPORTANT I would recommend this account to the players who wish to have a powerful account and not having to spend $100 a week to keep up, since I have always kept up everything the account is in a good status. If you want to remain competitive you don't necessarily need to buy more gems but the higher VIP perks would certainly help. --- *Note: the levels are different in some pictures because I just took the shots to show it to my guild mates in our Line group **I only accept PayPal as the form of payment --- ALBUM (ALL PICTURES INSIDE)
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  2. OP
    Deimantas Girdžius

    Deimantas Girdžius
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    How much?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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