Selling  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) VIP13 | 348b | 10 permanent castle ,16 permanent frame

Discussion in 'Kingdom Guard Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by anya0987, 1/22/23.

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  1. anya0987

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    My Location:
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    welcome to my page
    kingdom guard account
    account history
    I have been a vigorous player since its release, with a heavy investment (about 1.5 million dollars).

    I have been participating in every events and BL as much as I could, but I retired about a month ago.

    account information
    ●I became a king!
    ●Specialized in archery
    ●I have already purchased spureme life time, monthy, and a growth fund.
    ●10 Permanent Castles,16 permanent frames
    ●5 T5 weapons.
    ●Dragon equipment: 4 T6 weapons and 4 T5 weapons.
    ●Customer service vip member
    ●Dragon Lv.19
    ●tower 12165 level
    ●castle Lv.1151

    selling point
    ●I'm in a weak alliance and server right now, so I have very few buffs, but if you can find them yourself, I think you can quickly get 10b with the buffs.

    ●I have a large amount of items in my bag.

    ●There are also several unused castles and icon slots.
    So if you use them effectively, have enough to reach 400b!!

    ●I think you can play and enjoy events and growth without paying for a while.

    ●this account is ranker on all servers, and I am sure that you will have a artifact and appoint official.

    05BFB073-E9AC-4524-9D2C-24CA06C41B5F.jpeg EEF8F73E-FD0B-405A-8E19-9F2C8879F99E.png 62ECF1D0-4E0D-470F-863E-45B931CED6A9.png 1411F11A-C624-4D89-9D1D-B88EED0C3D48.png 66A476B9-89B4-4AC4-9820-3C61DCD78B7F.png 6B815B3F-943F-4A2F-A0B1-7DCC9263F415.png F74CCD26-5F92-4EE0-9BF3-9B3BC9603192.png 58E6EEDF-AA51-436D-BE9F-FA96B43BC969.png B3162E15-D119-42F9-996E-5E672E9F1378.png 9949C0D7-2D17-483B-90B0-F1243311B77A.png 721F9852-0B0A-40AB-9A6B-35E02F869129.png 35F35D0F-0665-4B69-98D4-2DA08A75CCF1.png
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    If you have any questions, I am always available.
    I will respond sincerely.
    thank you.

    Attached Files:

    #1 anya0987, 1/22/23
    Last edited: 1/24/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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