Sold VIP Offer |Telegram Channel |100k members |Lifetime warranted |The best quality | 1-2 weeks delivery

Discussion in 'Telegram Channels for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MJ Store, 10/11/22.

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  1. MJ Store

    MJ Store
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    Trusted Community
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Gold Status: This user has successfully completed 50+ middleman transactions

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    Buy Now
    redditbanner.jpg Hi everybody
    Welcome to MJ Store. If this is the first time you want to buy from MJ Store, rest assured you will continue working with us.

    Channel features:
    *High quality members from worldwide
    *Non drop
    *Lifetime warranted
    *Transferring of channel ownership quickly in a secure way

    Delivery time:
    Instant delivery after verifying your payment
    Directly payment methods (fast delivery):
    All Crypto Currency, Webmoney(WMZ), Perfectmoney and Payeer.[​IMG]

    How much do you know about MJ Store?
    * We are a Verified Community in Social Media Marketing.
    * We are a professional team, who are ready to respond our customers 24/7 a day.
    * We are an experienced Verified, Pro Seller Community in PlayerUp that made many orders successfully.
    * We are here to be the best, that means every service you purchase from us, will have the best quality.

    If you have any question or need more details, you can contact us.
    Contacts us
    WhatsApp: #
    telegram: #
    Gmail: #
    Discord: #
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