In order of race Legendary: Pontiff Faol Juliet / Romeo Devil Messenger fate + 3 other non elite legendary. Tanwen Wildfire Velyn the Unscarred + 2 non elite legendary. x2 Mifzuna the Wind Chief Hrafn Maia the Shadowblade Yumi Swiftshot + 6 non elite legendary. Ofeigur the Undying Prince Serka Desperate Soul Wall of Dark Night Anne Bonny Bael King of Undead 2x Darius Darkhand + 7 non elite legendary (mostly Liches) Treasure Chest + 2 non elite Legendary 1 ogre non elite legendary 1 beast non elite legendary Elemental Fire Odin Sekhmet Anunket Ptah The World Princess the Wind Mischevious Cupid Onslaught Knight Lawrence Oracle Priestess El Elysian Crescent The Magician Storm Warrior + 3 non elite legendary Judge Samael + 1 non elite legendary Overseer. I will only list some Elite epics; as there are far to many to list All. Again, in order of race: Epics: "Iron Fists" Tallis x 2 Kings Emissary Alice Farmhand Westly Aphrondena Nadja the Viper Heroine Mulan Tristan the Defender Theron Velyn the Unscarred x 2 High Lady Kuri Shayla Eisgale Lettice Twinstrike Mifzuna the Wind Lucius Swift Chief Hrafn Yumi Swiftshot Fenris the Butcher Mynx Hammershock Noella Frost Zodiac Messenger Sheep Joe Orc Bride Desperate Soul Darius Darkhand Arkan Doomsayer Calico Jack Pumpkin Witch Morgana Blackbeard Goddess of Undead Raid Captain Gabba Crazy Frankenstine Goblin War Turtle Gujaret Chief Sharptooth Smasha Rulk x 2 Reke the Bone Eater Virulent Bat King Cerberus Hegemon Elemental Fire Grimm Nuwa Devil AC Fun Hamlyn the Piper x 2 Healer Whyte Sorcerer Darke Conjuerer Tempest x 2 Shaman Elimence Hel Idun Aphrodite Pallas Athena Medusa Pan Loki Thor Freyja Anubis Horus Set Anhur Thoth Goddess of Serpent Edjo Arc Thumper Arc Assasin Arc Priestess Arc Sniper Crimson Butterfly Inuyasha Alice Red Riding Hood Snow White Victory Knight Neiman Skygunner Flame Cheryl Valikastraz Draaksarus Judge Aleksandra Judge Artimus Judge Martyn Judge Raziel Savior Carella Swimsuit Angel Special Angel Jarax the Tormentor Lillith the Betrayer Pestlillence Kra'gash Nice inventory: 1mill silver 500 gold 3 Fire Ruby for godlike cards (was planning on Odin and Magician) Copper War Horse 11 Amythest (for tarot cards) Almost entire set of legendary rune formula x 5 2 legendary stage medals for horse. 15 sealed league tickets. Account contains names on other servers too, VIP 2, and VP 5 and VIP3 on various servers, with multiple zodiac cards like Aquarius and Capricorn, and many other legendaries. Gold, fire opals, and other nice items.