Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) VIP 6 LotP account, EU 114 (39830 ingots to VIP 7)

Discussion in 'Legend of the Phoenix Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SugarPlumPie, 12/4/22.

  1. SugarPlumPie

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    Please message me if you have any questions or need additional details.
    My preferred payment platform is PayPal, but middleman is fine, too.

    Here is the current account info:

    Character name: Huli Jing
    Account Bound: Bound to email
    Device Platform: Android
    Region: Europe
    Server: S-114 (Version 3.4.101)
    Title: Imperial Princess Yuanguan
    VIP Rank: VIP 6 (39830 ingots to VIP 7)
    Power: Over 226 million
    CS Power Ranking: 9
    Local Server Rankings: Power - 6, Story - 13, Intimacy - 4, Achievement - 5, Outfit - 8
    Ranking Titles Won: Palace Celebrity (8), Erudite (3), Favored (1), Timeless Beauty (1)
    EXP Income: Over 62 million
    Silver Income: Over 57 million
    Fame Income: Over 63 million
    Guild: Blossom (Level 7, Prosperity 9)
    Guild CS Ranking: No. 2
    Guild Position: Matron
    Number of Partners: 40 (14 Chiefs at Level 350, 26 Deputy Chiefs at Level 300. 4 Princes, 4 Dukes, 4 Female Generals)
    Number of Confidants: 17 (all but the latest acquisition have Intimacy Level over 200. Levels: Heart to Heart - 6, Oath of Love - 10, Lovesick - 1. Four have have Lvl.2 and four have Lvl.3 in Inseparable Fate. Confidants with alternate outfits - 12, one each. )
    Academy: 5 slots, Specialty Level - 5, Lit&Mil Expertise - 5
    Foster Child Education: 5 slots
    Pigeon Mail: 5 slots, Loft Levels - 3 in every category
    Unmarried Adult Foster Children: 2 (2 Top Scholars). I have enough Destiny Stones for all of them, plus extra.
    Farm: Level 73, 10 slots, 3 fish grounds
    Kitchen: Cooking Level 65, 14 recipes
    Land Prosperity: 22040
    Lifetime Pass: Yes
    Monthly Pass: Yes (28 days remaining on the current one, I update on the 1st of the month)
    Number of Completed Outfits: 48
    Regalia Gallery: All of the unlocked chapters are minimum 57 stars cleared in Ordinary Stage. Four Chapters have Collection Stage unlocked.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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