Selling  Android and iOS  High End VIP 6, Grand Sultan III, 91.6 M power + goodies

Discussion in 'Game of Sultans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mlm0514, 6/4/19.

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  1. mlm0514

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    Backpack full of supplies includes:
    11 union chests(for union Xp during union rush,1100 xp)
    23 fearless medals
    9 fearless medal charge(May increase between now and time of sale)
    8 vanquish chest shards
    284 enhance badges (subject to increase from now until time of sale)
    161 Energy orbs for masquerade
    54 vitality orbs for heirs
    5 PVE seals for arena
    2 challenge edicts for arena
    1 challenge letter for arena
    7 magnificent badges
    4 outstanding badges
    7 magnificent shards
    5 outstanding shards
    22 silver rings for heir marriages
    2 gold rings for heir marriages
    Feast food + tokens for throwing feasts
    Banquet food and tokens for throwing banquets
    Clothes for upgrading viziers
    2 painting keys for consorts
    2 reading keys for consorts
    6 expels for consort rooms
    2 gold pirate chest keys for pirate events
    7 heal bandages for ruins event
    8 normal coupons for war predictions
    10 advanced coupons for war predictions

    15.334K Diamonds
    15.8B gold
    1.4 b grain

    37 viziers
    150 heirs
    22 consorts(one concubine one noble lady, one female attendant , one choice lady, 10 beauties, 8 choice maids= more xp during consort xp rush)
    Talent of viziers ranges from 68-579, this account can easily hold its own during arena rush.

    Along with the backpack of goodies, this account is in good standing with all top unions on the S-45 server, who recently won the War of Supremacy. This account is currently a member of one of the top unions, and upon purchase of the account, i will advise you in WOS strategy for this server, yes there is a good amount of work i have put into this as far as union relations/alliances etc. You’ll end up with a very supportive server and a winning team, guaranteed.

    this account is consistently in the top 25 during all rushes, top 10 for most.
    Will consider *reasonable* offers, I’ve strategized and put forth a ton of effort to make this a quality account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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