Hey guys! My server is gf9 which is 2+ years old and my server cluster is fairly "healthy" compared to some server clusters. Now for account info. City Hall all on lvl 20..... City D is 19 Key research lvl 10 Mage & Ranger rep lvl 50 + Undead, halfblood, dragon, and elf White unicorn @ stage 2 w/ perma healing saddle 1 Dragon Champ pack w/ max reopens 1 dragon runner up pack 20/20 GL armor !! 16/20 GL weapon x33 Black opal Frag x3 Fire rubies Leg block RING Leg Hero Crit RING Leg hero crit pendant (We all got for free? Cant remember) Leg lovers ring x90 league tickets =P x3 red balls Rainbow sphere in mail x10 mounts in mail ranging from grey war horse to Brimstone, most inbetween. Tarot card - GL world Awakened cards - Sarya, Velyn, x2 rebel, legionnaire, Thunderarchmage, Blessed dragonkin Other standout cards - Leg Volante, Karma, devil messenger, djinn, x3 legend faeries ( missing the elite) All bids will be considered, but $500 is a great deal to me, only selling no trades. Contact me here or [email protected]
I can also guarantee you a chance to bid on my alts GL zues and/or Leg zues, leg odin ( could be enhanced for you), leg ra.
I blame the unnecessary nerf on winged emp for why i forgot about my GL winged emp... Also 39 Black opal frags now. OFc i got sorann callista etc.... ask for pics or other info if needed.
Update My account now has Legend Nagaroth, GL Blessed Dragon, and legend unit crit ring to go with the GL weapon, oh and finally the rebound saddle =P Price still $500
Price drop now 350$, quitting the game so won't be anymore updates. Lots of dedication went into this account for someone that still feels like vip 0.