Sold VIP 15 230k and 200k March high tech

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Savmist, 9/14/21.

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  1. Savmist

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    VIP 15 account with two high end marchs

    Has a full decked out earth team with max skills and a fire team at 200k almost maxed skills

    Have high tech and high amount of pearls with dido, Cyrus, charls Baldwin and Genghis khan also Elizabeth available within fire team.

    Have CoR skin, vip 15 skin and 1% troop buff skin!

    3 high level dragons one being 40 earth, 35 fire and 25 water.

    Lord power is set at 1.280m but can be pushed a lot higher, keept low for easy migration!
    Lord power is set...

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