Selling VIP 10 - Lvl 80 - Top Tier Charcter - Kongregate - Hot Rocks

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Resin, 12/21/17.

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  1. Resin

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    Price $:
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    Please note the unused rubies and opals for future card releases and ability to update this character to suit your needs.

    • 14,000,000
    Rubies: ( for pack purchases, best used for awaken trade ins during victory pack rewards )
    • 52,000
    Medal of Honour
    • 3561 ( pvp trade-ins )
    Notable Items:
    • Opal Fragments x57
    • Black Opal x6
    • Fire Ruby x5
    • Fire Opal x9
    • Advance Synthesize x15
    • Synthesize x21
    • Legendary Gem x10
    • Exchange Scroll x6 ( Exchange for GL cards )
    • Zodic Rune x280 ( for zodiac trade-ins )
    • Amethyst x132 ( for tarot trade-ins )
    • 76% Rebound Saddle
    • All Legendary Equipment 16/16
    • Stage 3 Silver Charger
    Awaken Elites:
    1. The Justice
    2. Queen
    3. Fenris the Butcher
    4. Sensei Calista
    5. Princess Sarya
    6. Cain the Traitor
    7. Boss Ragnar
    8. Winged Emperor
    9. Wheel of Fortune
    10. The Sun
    11. Judge Martyn
    12. Archangel Maximus
    13. Archangel Michael
    14. Jaraax the Tormentor x2
    15. Darkbringer Garghael
    16. Tarsis
    17. Diablos

    Awaken Non Elites:
    1. Battle Abbess
    2. Doom Rider
    3. Angelic Savior
    4. Cherubic Elite
    5. Hellborn

    Awaken Skills:
    1. Slash

    Godly Elites:
    1. Dragon Hunter Vincent
    2. Devil Messenger Fate
    3. Guardian Unitta
    4. Nullifier Uemon
    5. Spike Srinsan
    6. Crux Yuuki
    7. Emperor Augustus
    8. Ilha
    9. Heavy Commander Void
    10. Abigail the Moon Witch
    11. Purity
    12. Tanwen Wildfire
    13. Velyn the Unscarred
    14. King Vel'Assar
    15. Sorann the Unforgiving x2
    16. Healer Amy
    17. Wind Rider Vereesa
    18. Mercy
    19. Lucius Swift
    20. Maia the Shadowblade
    21. Queen Capuchin
    22. Jungle Hunter Astrid
    23. Ariel the Lightning
    24. Indolence
    25. Prince Serka
    26. Desperate Soul
    27. Arkin Doomsayer
    28. Executioner Grimbone
    29. Varkus the Blight
    30. Emperor
    31. Jezebel the Voluptuous
    32. Modesty
    33. Arrogance
    34. Gingerbread Man Gress
    35. Zeus-King of the Gods
    36. Ra
    37. Khumn
    38. Goddess of Love Qetesh
    39. The World
    40. Void
    41. God of Darkness
    42. Vanguard Uzuki
    43. Kukurihime no Kami
    44. Reaper Duke
    45. Love Goddess Pallas
    46. Generosity
    47. Greed
    48. Snow Angel
    49. Broken Angel Doreen
    50. Princess Marita
    51. Judgement
    52. Anger
    53. Heart Cutter Sens
    54. Dark Duke Casey
    55. Grotesque Goliath
    56. Lilith the Betrayer
    57. Pestilence Kra'gash
    58. OverSeer
    59. Merciless Mareth x2
    60. Aeneas the Scourge
    61. Argaroth The Eternal Dark
    62. Gluttony

    Godly Non Elites:
    1. Fencing Master
    2. Mercenary Captain
    3. Sawtooth Thunder Lizard

    Godly Skills:
    1. Encourage x2
    2. Heroic x2
    3. Ceaseless Slashes

    Godly Specialists:
    1. Martial Tower
    Notable Legendary ( only listing ones that matter in current game ):
    1. Jasmin the Dervish
    2. Nullifier Uemon x2
    3. Lenient Maya
    4. Bodyguard Leader Deluca
    5. The Golden Dawn
    6. Heavy Commander Void
    7. Zach
    8. Pirate Olivia
    9. Juliet Ex
    10. Sonetto x2
    11. The Second Prince
    12. Princess Kore
    13. Gill
    14. Little Mage Maggie x2
    15. Dragon Knight Hogue
    16. Purity
    17. Letch
    18. Merath the Crafty
    19. Ryli the White Witch
    20. Tariel the Phalnax
    21. Glaring Nina
    22. The Hermit
    23. The Moon
    24. Lumineers
    25. Lettice Twinstrike
    26. Laurel
    27. Envy
    28. Elf Swordsman Xiao
    29. Mifzuna the Wind x2
    30. Yumi Swiftshot x2
    31. Sylvi Priest Belin
    32. Assigner Quinn
    33. Witch Selina
    34. Tiger Doyen
    35. Mifzuna the Wind EX
    36. Lupus
    37. Sensei Calista EX
    38. Yumi EX
    39. Diligence
    40. Indolence
    41. Darius Darkhand
    42. Tomb Guardian Isis
    43. Blackbeard
    44. Calico Jack
    45. Klaus Stoertebeker
    46. Undead King Bael
    47. Taurus
    48. The Death
    49. Emperor
    50. Lady Neferata
    51. Gloom Dancer Kyaran
    52. Chief-Warden Ariella
    53. The High Priestess
    54. Skinflint Fisk
    55. Gork Irongut
    56. The Temperance
    57. Strength
    58. Big Shuck
    59. The Tower
    60. Nagaroth the Fury
    61. Moonlight Bunny
    62. Gingerbread Man Gress
    63. Phoenix Bonnie
    64. Earthlord Orthos
    65. Icicle Lucia
    66. Artemis
    67. Freya
    68. Oda Nobunaga
    69. Vanguard Chiyuki
    70. Wheel of Fortune
    71. Elysian Crescent
    72. Princess Kaguya
    73. Moon Artemis
    74. HuangMeiHua
    75. Pharos
    76. Chinon
    77. Shion
    78. Champion Anselm
    79. Governor Shalya
    80. Sartheran the Dark
    81. Steiner
    82. Frey
    83. Archer Larix
    84. Torya
    85. Guardian Fog
    86. Hervor
    87. Elder Dragon Kane
    88. Flame Cheryl
    89. Eternity Crius
    90. Danika Flameheart
    91. Volante Voidstep
    92. Annie the Dragon King
    93. The Magician x2
    94. Fire Dragon Swordsman
    95. Maier Eve the Eye of Dragon
    96. Generosity x3
    97. Greed
    98. Argyosaurus Princess Angers
    99. Princess Marita
    100. Judge Aleksandra
    101. Judge Raziel
    102. Archangel Raphaela
    103. Special Angel
    104. Elixia
    105. Heavenly Healer
    106. Praise Angel Sheena
    107. Patience
    108. Anger x4
    109. Maid Mitsuki
    110. Azeryn the Night
    111. Hellborn Steema
    112. Executor Shiva
    113. Devil Emissary Ackerman
    114. Diabolos
    115. Darkbringer Garghael
    116. The Devil
    117. Fire Demon Ifrit
    118. Moderation x2
    Notable Legendary Specialists:
    1. Deception x1 ( x6 epic )
    2. Stalker Braybow x1 ( x2 epic )
    3. The Djinn x2 ( x3 epic )
    4. Sphynx Assyrio
    Notable Legendary Skills:
    1. Slash x3
    2. Encourage x2
    3. Fissure x3
    4. Last Stand x3
    5. Cleave
    6. Conscription x2
    7. Terrorize x2
    8. First Strike
    9. Slaughter Pit
    10. Cull The Week x2
    11. Clean Break x3
    12. Ceaseless Slashes
    13. True Shot x2
    14. Disturbance
    15. Swift Death x3
    16. Premeditation x3
    17. Double Stab
    18. Dissinformation
    19. Deadly Blow
    20. Reveal Weakness x3
    21. Swift Raid
    22. Plan B x2
    23. Doppelganger
    24. Time to Die x3
    25. Betrayers Gate x3
    26. Scorch
    27. Lightning Storm
    28. Blizzard x2
    29. Treachery
    30. Forgetfullness
    31. Inspire
    32. Zeal
    33. Smite
    34. Guardian Angel x2
    35. Call of Power
    36. Repulse x2
    37. Penance Chamber
    38. Chosen One
    39. Heavenly Help

    • Human - 50
    • Undead - 50
    • Elf - 50
    • Halfblood - 50
    • Outsider - 50
    • Angel - 50
    • Demon - 50
    • Dragon - 40
    • Beast - 40
    • Goblin - 40
    • Ogre - 40
    • Warrior - 50
    • Ranger - 40
    Side Note: This account has almost every single card in the game, also cards that come in epic form may not have made the list and exist in 10s of duplicates to be combined for legendary such as skills and cards that come in packs.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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  3. BuyingROMacct

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    Hi, I am willing to buy for $300, which is very low, but better than you not being able to sell.
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  4. PlayerUp

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  5. OP

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    Just the last recharge alone for
    1. Argyosaurus Princess Angers
    was $200, at $300 I would just let my guild dismantle my account.
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    BuyingROMacct likes this.
  6. BuyingROMacct

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    Yup, expected as much, cause even 2k is likely nowhere near what you invested. If you ever feel like committing a random act of kindness though, hit me up.
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  7. BuyingROMacct

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    Yup, expected as much, cause even 2k is likely nowhere near what you invested. If you ever feel like committing a random act of kindness though, hit me up.
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  8. BuyingROMacct

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    Yup, expected as much, cause even 2k is likely nowhere near what you invested. If you ever feel like committing a random act of kindness though, hit me up.
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  9. BuyingROMacct

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    idk why it posted 3 times
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  10. PlayerUp

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