Wow Legion:
Account age: 2005/06 - Present
-110 Druid, ~850 IL
-110 Priest, ~860 IL
100's = Warlock, Hunter, Shaman
90's Mage, Priest, Paladin, Shaman,
85's Every other class and duplicates atleast 85+ and including some 90 duplicates
-Had ~14k achievements or so the last time I played ( many months ago so not too sure about the exact amount)
-Multiple feats of strengths, including; WoW anniversary from the 4th one and up.
*INcluding feats for winterspring sabre, Rivenderes death charger, red qiraji mount, RaF mount/ achievement
-Many title achievements (Including unobtainable titles now)
-Quite a handful of achievement mounts
-125+ mounts
-Onxyian drake (Flyer/ and also have the pet to match from the anni event)
-Core hound mount (Anni mount)
-Fossilized raptor (Archeology mount)
-Multiple 2 seater mounts ( Motorcycle, Sandstone drake, RaF flyer/ ground mount)
-Camel mounts ( Exalted Cata rep reward )
-Talbuks (Exalted BC rep reward)
-Netherdrakes (Exalted BC rep rewards)
-Horde trike mount (From the wow tv show event thing)
-Multiple raid drop mounts including the Drake from EoE
*Including, Purple hawk from Firelands, ICC fliers
-Dread raven from WoD collectors edition
-Mounts from other blizzard game events
-Pvp mounts
-25-30+ Titles
*Including, event titles, unobtainable, raid, achievement titles
-Titles from other blizzard game events
-100+ toys
*Including: All archeology toys
-All transformation toys
*Including transformations for Naga, Cat people from WoD, Wisp form, Sky mirror, Burning blade, Tree, Panda, multiple winter veil transforms, Goren garb, Hozen, multiple pirate transforms, Gamon, Iron boot flask, Mr. Smite transformation, Milhouse manastorm, Rime of the lost mariner, Leyara's locket...
-Rarer/ favorite toys: Darkspear pride (Unobtainable transformation item), Orb of the Sin'dorei, Orb of deception, Time-lost Figurine.
-Many more
-Full cloth and leather set
-11 years worth of transmog for every armor type and countless of completed, well-thought out sets and many, many weapons, including one of the Warglaives from BC and parts to make thunderfury.
-173 pets, including rare and unobtainable pets such as event/ anni pets
*including baby blizzard bear from 2004/5, and Warbot along with many others.
-Onxyian welp pet to match the Onxyian drake mount.
-Dread hatchling (Collectors edition pet)
-Raid pets (many)
Other Blizzard games included with account:
-Lvl 200 and 50 or 70, something like that
-Every character has a legendary skin and most have duplicate legendary skins
-Skins/ emotes/ poses and such include holiday events such as Halloween, Chinese new years ones
-Gold ranked
-1600-1800 Ranked points for getting gold weapon (@3,000 points) At end of this season, you'll get ~400 more points so it'll be 2,000-2,200 points.
-A lot of hours spent on OW, idk how many to be exact as I haven't logged in for a while and don't have it installed anymore.
-Ranked season sprays
-All expansions and up-to-date
-One of every character max level and some duplicates
-Non-season = Paragon 774
-Season 10 = Paragon 340 or so
-Cosmetic wings, banners, pets, full seasonal transmog set
-multi billions of gold
-full ancient sets for 2-3 classes (Wizard, DH and WD)
-Very nicely rolled still relevant gears
-HoTS portrait
-Alpha and Beta mount
-Max level account
-A lot of owned heroes
-quite a few skins, purchased with gold and $$
-Quite a bit of lvl 10+ heroes
Side info:
-Account is very, very old, almost as old as WoW itself
-A lot bonus stuff included with the account that I didn't mention here, but you'll find once you get into the games
-I don't really play games anymore due to university and other obligations, so I decided to move on and get something back for my time invested over the years
-Questions: Add me on skype or send me a message, skype = Kahl-Reyn S. Tris
Pricing: $250 or so
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