Selling VindictusEU 3 lvl 80's (Vella, Evie, Kai) one lvl 53 Lann

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    This account has no NX. Also i am evaluating the avatars on there. just for calculations sake.

    This account contains a event Golden Panda (pvp event limmited) Shining Wolf


    Moderate AP

    fused maharra gloves and boots, ruby belt the rest is not worth noting

    Avatar sets & Nx Items

    full Bride set (white) (Limmited set 30 Euro)

    Military jacket

    2 Hairs

    Face tattoo

    scar mid face

    Make up

    15 channel megas

    19 Sever megas

    33 fishing rods

    blue Dye


    Moderate AP

    No gear

    full samurai Gear set (avarage set 20 euro)

    Slick hair

    Shiny underpants


    15 Channel megas

    8 Server megas

    7 day ticket for storage


    Jumper character

    Low AP

    Nother else worth noting

    lvl 53

    MAIN character:


    full Darkknight lvl 40

    high AP almost maxed out the skills aside from agility and int, partly strength

    Apoco Head fused

    apoco 3 star Boots and Gloves fused

    Swift 3 star pants

    Swift 3 star chest piece

    Nx Items and avatar sets

    enchant rune

    fusion rune

    Weapon fusion rune

    31 server megas

    30Day life giver gem

    5 dura increase potions

    80 fishing rods

    12 Divine blessings

    19 AP blessings

    18 EXP Blessings

    6 LUCK blessings

    Avatar sets

    Vampire bride set limmited (30 euro)

    Steam punk set limmited (30 euro)

    Therapist Set (20 euro)

    Goth maid Boots and Gloves

    Shining inner white

    Bandage inner white

    Heroine inner Black top Brown-ish bottem

    Corset pure black

    Punk hair White

    bob cut White

    Jack black hair tail

    Make up

    Feel Free to Add me on skype :theonewhotestsclones (Clance Bentover)

    For offers or discussions. If you want images of Set characters and Items Add me on skype and i can give you them

    I Spend allot of time and money in this account, but i've grown Tired of the Game. I thought i'd be beter to Sell the account the leaving it to Dust. thank you


    Bumping up C/o 50 euro B/o 70

    Bumping up, not going lower then 50 quid.

    These are all in one account BTW just a heads up, and they don't have weapons, the vella has decent lvl 70 gear fused though.

    Still selling my account, 50 quid is the c/o and B/o at this point. You can still add me on skype for pictures and info

    Skype : theonewhotestsclones Clance bentover

    Also i do not do Trades it's buying by paypal only. Thank you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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