Sold Vindictus evie account top ranked

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by andres82301, 10/27/20.

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  1. andres82301

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    hi i want to sell my vindictus account NA evie top ranked all accesories lvl 100 and 105 with expensive enchant and infused all astera +15 expensive enchant all maxed milletion staff +15 maxed the armor and weapon are maxed on mystery shard and abysal grade 2 a lot on old and expensive and new one outfit a lot of pet all comrade a lot on object hair ,inner,vvip etc 17 char all with outfit and a lot AP in 5 chars

    There are lots of useful items in the NX pages like Runes, Cupons, Potions, Capsules, Enhancements Stones, Blessing Stones, Goddess Graces, Licneces, Event Boxes and other stuff that you could get earlier, but cannot do it now moreover there is that much of these that I doubt you will be able to spend all of the useable items as well. The most Normal Equipment pages are filled from fashion stuff to useful battle items as well, including with almost every event items collected in those years of playing.

    There are lot of other things which is added to account like companion (Namhain) bunch of full leveled pets, high Vanguard LvL etc. but it’s hard to list all details here. Feel free to ask about some info if you are about to buy account.

    I hope to receive 2000$ and at that value it is super cheap compared to everything it has and everything I invested in it if also i take offers you want photos or more details write me [email protected] or send me a message my dm is dreyfus # 0568

    #1 andres82301, 10/27/20
    Last edited: 10/27/20
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