Selling Vindictus Early Access Beta Key

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    You get two keys for every one you register, they should really be easy to come by. I will be willing to send you back one of the two keys I receive from the registering the key.

    PM me.



    I do not have one yet,ButttttI am in the Process of buying one right now, and i will sell you one for, 15$ Sounds good? I might go less if you dont agree.

    Please do not close this thread, I might not Even get a code.

    Ok, I have recieved my key, Ill sell it to you for 15$?

    cobey idk why you're concerned with a thread being closed sounds paranoid and pushy... typicaly how scammers are

    Its because i was buying a code from someone soon, And when you Do get a code you get another 2 when you register one code, So i didnt want him to close the thread in case i DO NOT get the Code.

    Just to update, I got a key for free and I now realise how easy they are to come by. The bad news is I just discovered this early access on the 15th Sept is for US and Canada only. There is a IP block in place to stop EU playing and we have to wait till the end of the year..... ghay.
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