Sold Veteran Reward Rank 13 Game time until February...

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XIV Buy/sell/trade, 12/30/16.

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  1. Final Fantasy XIV Buy/sell/trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Veteran Reward Rank 13 Game time until February 14, 2017 Complite story quest. Complite raids: T1-T13 + T6s, A1s-A7s, A9s-A11s. Complite all extrime trials. Complite so many side quests. DRK WAR 251 AST 216 MNK 225 MCH 231 BLM 228 ALC 187(Specialist) WVR 195(Specialist) GSM 195(Specialist) Ironworks accesories set Culinarian-no heawensward books Carpenter - lv1 book Others - lv2 book ~6100 Achievement points 1600 commendations. Chocobo Rank 20 PvP Rank 39 (PLD pvp 205ilvl gear set) All the Beast tribes of the 8 levels. Relic weapons: Rod of the black khan (240) Hyperconductive Nothung (230) in progress 240 Hyperconductive Almace+Ancile Hyperconductive Rhongomiant a lot of equipment for the glamor. 1,5КК Gil
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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