Selling Veteran Maelstrom Arena runs + Weekly leaderboard and Flawless Title!

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Auth06, 7/8/17.

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  1. Auth06

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    For proof please inquire, will provide screenshots and also a lot of positive feedback on another famous site called playerup, my username is the same (Auth06) and I have a thread there.

    I can do VMA runs for as many times as you want.

    I've only ran VMA on every class and all builds except Tank and 2H Builds.

    My expertise are Mag Sorcs, Stam Sorcs, StamDK, Magplar, MagDK, MagNB and have been top 25 Seasonal all time Leaderboards and always on top 1-20 weekly leaderboards with various classes on all time and weekly.

    My own account has been flawless on Magsorc @ 249cp and Magblade @ 340cp, got flawless on lots of other builds with higher CP. Pm for info.

    What is included:

    - 100% Weekly for all Classes with decent gear and cp! Come get your extra weekly loot in gold quality!
    - 100% Guarantee that your character will be on weekly leaderboards if you have a Vicious Ophidian Set for StamDKs,StamNB,StamWarden and Stamplars, and if you a decent gear on MagDKs, Magplar and MagNB and mosty likely for Magsorc and Stamsorc. Check out "Awesome Deal" on this page.
    - The weekly loot is free of charge
    - There will be no charge for the sought after traits too. Loot is loot. may RNGeesus help our runs.
    - First time achievements are free of charge!

    AWESOME DEAL! - If you have a MagSorc, Stamsorc and Magplar with decent gear (Especially weapons) 100% chance that you will get Flawless Conqueror Title within 3 Runs or less for free! .... Also, I usually get around 560k+ score for Magsorc/StamSorc so that would get you in the weekly too. pm me for what sets you will need. Update; StamSorc with 500cp+ No Vigor or VO gear is okay! I can get Flawless for you.

    Would prefer to do the builds below;

    MAG Sorc (Flawless Available)
    MAG Blade (Flawless Available)
    MAG DK
    MAG Plar (Flawless Available)
    STAM Sorc DW (Flawless Available)
    STAM DK DW (Flawless Available)(5pc VO set with any trait required, can farm for you)
    STAM Warden DW (Flawless Available)(5pc VO set with any trait required, can farm for you)

    Can also do;

    Mag Warden (Flawless Available)
    STAM Temp DW (Flawless Available) (5pc VO set with any trait required, can farm for you)
    STAM NB DW (Flawless Available) (5pc VO set with any trait required, can farm for you

    Morrowind Scores with 550+CP

    Mag Sorc 575K
    Mag blade 572K
    Mag DK 526K
    Mag plar 557k
    Stam Sorc 560K
    Stam DK 540K
    Stam Temp N/A
    Stam NB 520k
    Stam Ward 540K+
    Mag Ward N/A

    Previous Homestead scores on Max CP (What you can expect with decent gear and 550+CP)

    Mag Sorc 578K
    Mag blade 545K
    Mag DK 535k
    Mag plar 551K
    Stam Sorc 563K
    Stam DK 547K
    Stam Temp 525K
    Stam NB 536K

    I do have VPN and it will be connected near your location.

    Taking EU orders as well.

    Hit me up here by messaging me or replying to this thread if you are interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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