I would like to offer almost 2 years old castle in kingdom 1945. Castle is 90m basic power. Usually with troops i was 300m. Recently i reduced troops due to transfer. -4,5 archagnel sets very well upgraded; -queens set and many odders gold pieces with many components to forge( 541 wings); -many building p6, with all t12 troops and most off t13; -enhancments on phoenix wings is mostly 50 rest of troops is in range from 15-45; -most researches are 100% some ae 50% and many 88%-90% done; -many rss gathered almost 1g mithril and 5g food; -stats: Infantry (attack: 810%, defence:770%; Hp:310%) Cavalary: (attack; 1150%; defence: 870%; Hp:370%) Offencive 125% - 130% - 48/56 heroes also 4 of left once are almost done (2300/3000 cards) -most dragons on lvl 36 (rest 33, 30,22) -dragon stone gold lvl 38; -dragon word sky fall with 4.5 spare stones; -lord lvl 50; -couple of skins plus wings; If you are interested contact me here or on my mail ([email protected]). The price is high but castle is very goos. We can negociate the price by slightly.