Selling  iOS very good base who can be a top base

Discussion in 'Last Empire-War Z Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by unbreakablefab, 1/23/18.

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  1. unbreakablefab

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    level 30 40 M of power with 4.5 M of science 2.5 M of diam's in bag svip 4
    316 M of kills
    habilities level 103

    Weapon zone 1 built level 9 and level 1
    just tower not yet level 30 all other building finish in zone 1 silo level 10 (11 launched) and rescue center level11 all other building already level 15

    shawn level 48 with biochimist gold suit and medal
    maggie level 44 with raider gold suit and medal
    cha sui level 47 with gardian gold suit and biochimist medal
    shariff level 43 with maraudeur gold suit and brown raider medal
    sellers level 42 with pionner gold suit
    scientist level 42 with mix gold and brown suit
    general gold suit
    all other officer unblock 2 level 45 1 level 44 1 level 42 8 level 41 1 level 40 1 level 39 1 level 37 and 1 36

    140 M of exp wait in bag example you can up Cecilia or sam level 44 and with 2.5 M of diams make gold suits

    stay in bag 4.5 giga of fuel 3.6 giga of food 390 M of steel 150 M of alloy and few thousand hours of speed up

    This account is the biggest of the state so can be prez and r5 of a team with 1.4 G of power and good team science

    Can sale with this account 12 farms with 2 level 30 (1 have 1.5 M of science) 4 level 26 and few level 24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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