Hey! I'm selling my very own filled up HoN account, that I've had since October 18th 2010, so it's fairly old. [ Beneath I'll list all of the things that comes with the account ] The main account itself is 1908.47 MMR, 2385 overall games played (1688 Matchmaking games) with a K Ratio of 1.48, 55% win, 118.5 avrg cs and 23.7 avrg denies, gpm at 308.1, 0.3% leave etc. It has 0 gold coins, but 4,926 silver coins. The account has 16 sub accounts attached to it (yes it sounds like an overkill, but it is true). When I was playing a lot I used a lot of money on the game, which ended up in me having 16 sub accounts. So I'm of course not gonna list every single detailed stat of every account, since that would be boring for both parts (both you and me). Instead I'm just gonna tell a bit about the 'best' sub accounts so to speak. #1 sub account: 1761.45 MMR, 52 overall games played (52 Matchmaking games), 3,69 K Ratio, 96% win (50 wins, 2 losses), 126.6 avrg cs and 22.7 avrg denies, gpm at 440.7, 0% leave. #2 sub account: 1666.99 MMR, 17 overall games played (10 Matchmaking games), 3.43 K Ratio, 100% win (10 wins, 0 losses), 135.0 avrg cs and 16.2 avrg denies, gpm at 456.5, 0% leave. #3 sub account: 1613.05 MMR, 34 overall games played (34 Matchmaking games), 5.44 K Ratio, 91% win (31 wins, 3 losses), 122.2 avrg cs and 10.4 avrg denies, gpm at 474.1, 0% leave. #4 sub account: 1580.00 MMR, 19 overall games played (19 Matchmaking games), 12.27 K Ratio, 100% win (19 wins, 0 losses), 129.7 avrg cs and 11.5 avrg denies, gpm at 594.1, 0% leave. #5 sub account: 1915.79 MMR, 356 overall games played (356 Matchmaking games), 2.69 K Ratio, 82% win (291 wins, 65 losses), 127.2 avrg cs and 23.4 avrg denies, gpm at 411.6, 0% leave. #6 sub account: 1701.13 MMR, 17 overall games played (17 Matchmaking games), 3.19 K Ratio, 100% win (17 wins, 0 losses), 111.8 avrg cs and 12.6 avrg denies, gpm at 455.4, 0% leave. ^ That has to be the 6 most outstanding sub accounts that follows with the account. Alt Avatars: (they are just listed as it is in the shop) Mali Klause, Garbagore, Voodoo Doctor, Infected Slither, Mecha Gemini, Doll Master, Brass Arachna, Jade Giant Pebbles, Minotaur Behemoth, Steampunk Electrician, CyberValk, Sniper Scout, Clockwork Archer, Magmoose, Heavy Artillery, Rhino Rampage, Geojuice, Chainsaw Moraxus, O-yoroi Gauntlet, Queen Of Fools, Celeris, Jurassic Warden, Warmonger Gunblade, Queen Bee Monarch, Voodoo Raptor, Zeta Kinesis, Shenlong, Kuznya Blacksmith, Count Dampeer, Gypsy Fayde, Dark Zealot, Patriot Bubbles, Landshark Bloodhunter, Dominatrix Torturer, Kangamonium, Professor Repulsor, Grandfather Time, Fallen Valkyrie, Steampunk Disciple, Wraith Revenant, Flaming Deadwood, Mandromeda, Demented Witch, Cleopatra Pharaoh, Ronin Swiftblade, Gladius Beardicus, Magus Bane, Infernal Behemoth, Mr. Chipper, Logger Legionnaire, Frost Rider, Dryad Warden, Overseer Hellbringer, Phantom Defiler, Snow Zephyr, Mutant Parasite, Leprechaun Blacksmith, King Ra, Oni Devourer, Golden Pebbles, Winston Charmadon, Vigilante Vindicator, Steam Flux, Forsaken Strider, Bunny Predator, Wretched Hottie, Ladybug Pestilence, Nomaddin, Quadropod Tremble, Mountain Tundra, MSIvy Slither, Rosie Engineer, Rainbow Rampage, Legendary Valkyrie, Sachi Swiftblade, Grim Reaper, Crustacean Kraken, Helga Hammerstorm, Queen Arachna, Jollywood, Christmas Keeper, Captain Flint, Adventure Gladiator, Ninja Bubbles, El Guantelete, Pimp Slayer, Clown Devourer, Nightmare Madman, Cannon Bombardier, Raven Soulstealer, Female Glacius, Scorpion Magmus, Pollywog Chieftain, Sexy Moon Queen, Female Pyromancer. As you can see the account doesn't have all those new avatars, which is mainly because I haven't been playing seriously in a couple months now. But it has all the Gold Collection avatars, as well as a few Early Access, Limited Edition and some Seasonal ones. Account Icons: The account has 10 custom account icons that's alerady used of course, and then it has 4 pages of