Selling VERY CHEAP WEB SERVICES | High Quality |

Discussion in 'Development Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Policeboy109, 1/21/17.

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  1. Policeboy109

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    Hey Everyone, so I need to pay for my server soon but I do not have the money for it so I will be doing web development projects for Very Cheap prices. I do not currently have a portfolio hence why they are cheap but the languages I currently know are,
    HTML | 100%
    CSS | 90%
    JavaScript | 80%
    I am working with PHP and Node.JS currently to increase my understanding. Anyway, let's get to prices
    XenForo Install And Customization
    $3-$10 (Usually Around $5)

    This can be any...

    VERY CHEAP WEB SERVICES | High Quality |
    #1 Policeboy109, 1/21/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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