Sold Very Cheap Verity Boosting Service

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/RaidVerity, 4/17/19.

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  1. /u/RaidVerity

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    Hey Reddit, I am a new booster whose looking to take on some new clients! I have done around 3 orders so far and have yet to lose a game (in low elo) I am also looking for some vouches so if you want I can do 1-2 # games for some vouches just shoot me a message! NA

    Right now I can do any Division in

    Iron for 6$

    Bronze for 7$

    Silver for 9$

    Gold for 15$

    Anything above that shoot me a message and we can negotiate. I main mid but can easily play any role and most champions at least diamond level if you have any specific requirements. Duo prices are just a few dollars extra and we can work something out if you're interested. Thank you for reading shoot me a message on discord or reddit. Discord: Verity#6697 I will usually always respond very quickly!

    Some examples

    Vouch :

    # #/RaidVerity
    # .
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