[Very cheap] 5 Pre-Made Blogs And Articles – Earn Big! – FREE +$50 BONUS!

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by elamri, 8/11/17.

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  1. elamri

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    This thread is for people who want to start blogging or are still learning/beginners
    Before we start , I would like to precise that i'm a Non english speaker , and that you don't need to have a perfect english to start your blog and make money with this method
    Wondering how I can help you blogging and why I would sell articles if I don't have a perfect english? Because all of these articles were boughts from writers and even the blogs templates
    Also i'm not good at design so I will keep the thread simple and will get to the point.

    Hey everyone , blogging is still alive and you can make money with it if you're smart enough , and you will only need to work 10minutes a day.. too good to be true ? Let me explain you how.
    Why invest all your time in one blog when you can set up all 5 blogs in 1hour with a lot of articles ready to use , and start working intead on advertising your blogs and getting traffic instead of finding idea of articles to write?

    Imagine you had a package with several blogs templates of many topics ( sport ,health ,money ) , already made for you and ready to be hosted and used as yours, that you can edit as you want and choose from differents articles that you have and publish everyday in all these blogs , wouldn't be easy to keep running your blogs without much efforts and make money by affiliating the appropriates products in your articles? The answer is yes.

    How this will make you money? The answer is simple : Affiliate Marketing
    I think that most of you know what this is , but for those who don't its simply advertising for someone's product or for an amazon sale page , and if someone buy from the link posted in your blog you'll get a % of the sale.
    And the blogs topics I chose for your blogs today are perfect for this as you'll see.

    This is why I created this post today , i'm selling a package that contains a lot of stuff and for a very cheap price, here's what you can get for 25$:
    5 premades blogs for the following topics + Associated articles + Examples of products to affiliate :
    ********* format , just copy and past to your webhost and start editing on *********.

    1- Fat loss and 6pack abs blog: This is not as it sounds , you wont get a magical trick to get a 6Pack abs , but some useful informations and articles about dieting and fitness , also you can affiliate for some Fatburner and fitness products. This is a good blog topic since everyone is understand in losing belly fat.
    2- Skin care blog : This is a good blog topic too , with a lot of intersting articles , you can affiliate per exemple for beauty products and masks.
    3-Hair loss blog : You know who to target with this , greats articles and you can affiliate for products that help/stop(?) hair loss.
    4-Self success blog , great articles , some motivationals ones, good to keep your readers coming back until they decide to buy some Money making program or personal development programm/ebooks that you affiliate.
    5-Camping blog: good for people who are new to camping and want to buy some materials , and for sure they'll need a lot , so a good opportunity to affiliate camping products ( a lot of $$ )

    +50$ Worth of Ebooks and bonuses
    You'll be surprised how these ebooks will help you and guide you to make real money from this , everything you'll need you'll find it here, affiliate marketing techniques , blogging techniques ,how to get blog traffic, etc..
    Support through Skype or Email
    You'll get my full support and I'll help with every problem.
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