Selling  Android and iOS  1-60 Minutes [Verify Seller] Dragonball Legend Starter Account with 31000+ Chrono Crystals

Discussion in 'Dragon Ball Legends Chrono Crystals for Sale - Buy Sell DBL' started by MoodyCat, 11/3/18.

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  1. MoodyCat

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    Attention: Anyone who is selling Chrono Crystals starter account other than me has NO relationship with me. If you trade with them and you got scammed please don't complaint.

    I am a verified seller in Playerup and had sold hundreds of accounts.

    The fresh starter accounts are just like new accounts.
    - The only difference is it has 11300 Chrono Crystals and had not passed any storylines.
    - Price will inflate as Chrono Crystals accumulated from daily logins, therefore prices will follow.
    - Feel free to contact me through Discord

    Why should I start a with a starter like this one?
    - Chrono Crystals for this game is fairly expensive. If you purchase in game, it is $180 for 12000 Chrono Crystals; If you purchase from vendors, it is $90 for 12000 Chrono Crystals.
    - For 11300+Chrono Crystals plus the Chrono Crystals you can get after clearing the storyline, you will end up at least 15000+ Chrono Crystals, which is almost $220 value for just only $60.

    What are some good ways to use those accounts?
    - Gacha as much as Chrono Crystals allowed and have an advantage over self-created starter account.
    - Save for future events.

    Where do I get those Chrono Crystals, are they safe? Thinking about starting a new account on one of those.
    - The only thing those accounts have done was getting the daily login bonus every day to accumulate the amount of Chrono Crystals above.

    Will those fresh accounts ever get ban?
    - No, unless BANDAI wants to fix the bug that "Free to play player are not allowed in the game anymore" bug.

    Things to be aware of.
    - Let me know the device you are using (IOS/Android), if you log on android account with IOS device Chrono Crystals will become 0.
    - You will get a social media account login through discord/message. Make sure you link to your own FB/Twitter as soon as possible as the social media account is just temporary.

    How to trade?
    - Pay via "" and send me the receipt to my Discord mOODY-cAT#7624. Make sure tell me which operating system you use. If you had questions you are also welcome to contact me on Discord.
    - After the process is finished, you will receive a temporary social media account.
    - Please be patient and understands I also have a life and will not able to reply you back 24/7. But I will get back to you ASAP.
    - You can also use middleman services from Playerup if you wish. But there is a long process and you will have to learn how to do it.


    #1 MoodyCat, 11/3/18
    Last edited: 11/3/18
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