Sold [VERIFIED SELLER] Ultimate Standard Collection 319 Legendaries (55 Golden Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Martian, 11/22/19.

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  1. Martian

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    Hi everyone,

    I'm reposting this listing, updated.

    First let me say that I understand it's a lot of money, but I’ve spent more that $6000 into this very special collection, so the price of the account is below 20% of its actual value. I'm selling it because I don't want it to become obsolete, as I have less and less time to take care of it. I'll be happy knowing that someone else has the ressources to keep it updated and even improve it, as there are not a lot of collections like this around.

    The deal will be made through Middleman only, no exceptions.

    The collection is so big that it’ll be easier to send you a link to a video I made of it. It contains 318 legendaries, including these 55 golden legendaries:

    Archmage Arugal
    Archivist Elysiana
    Awaken the Makers
    Azalina Soulthief
    Baku the Mooneater
    Bloodreaver Gul’dan
    Countess Ashmore
    Dragoncaller Alanna
    Elise the Trailblazer
    Flobbidinous Floop
    Floop’s Glorious Gloop
    Frost Lich Jaina
    Genn Greymane
    Geosculptor Yip
    Heistbaron Togwaggle
    Kangor’s Endless Army
    Kathrena Winterwisp
    King Mukla
    Leeroy Jenkins
    Lord Godfrey
    Lord Jaraxxus
    Luna’s Pocket Galaxy
    Lyra the Sunshard
    Malfurion the Pestilent
    Malygos (+ regular)
    Marin the Fox (+ regular)
    Myra Rotspring
    Open the Waygate
    Prince Taldaram
    Prophet Velen
    Ragnaros the Firelord
    Rin, the First Disciple
    Shadowreaper Anduin
    Sunkeeper Tarim
    Swampqueen Hagatha
    Sylvanas Windrunner
    The Beast
    The Lich King
    Thrall, Deathseer
    Uther of the Ebon Blade
    Valeera the Hollow
    Weaponized Pinata
    Whizbang the Wonderful
    Zayle, Shadow Cloak
    Zerek’s Cloning Gallery

    Here is a breakdown of the collection, expansion by expansion :

    Basic : complete
    Classic : missing some of the new cards (Gift of the Wild, Righteousness, Siegbreaker, Brightwing, Barrens Stablehand, High Inquisitor Whitemane, Arcane Devourer)
    Witchwood : complete
    Boomsday : complete
    Rumble : complete
    Rise of Shadows : complete
    Uldum : incomplete but already includes 12 out of the 23 legendaries

    Hall of fame : complete
    Naxxramas : complete
    Goblins vs Gnomes : complete
    Blackrock Mountain : complete
    Grand Tournament : complete
    League of Explorers : complete
    Old Gods : complete
    Karazhan : complete
    Gadgetzan : complete
    Un’Goro : only missing Unite the Murlocs, Lakkari Sacrifice, Clutchmother Zavas and Fire Plume’s Heart
    Frozen Throne : only missing Professor Putricide
    Kobolds : only missing Dragon Soul, The Runespear and The Darkness

    As you san see, none of the missing cards are relevant, and I think it’s more important that I save the dust for the buyer rather than waste it or dust golden legendaries just to sell a complete standard collection. Note that even if you don't dust anything, while I'm posting this you have more than 21k dust already available to craft cards you don't have, but once again the missing cards are mostly useless so it could be better to use the dust to craft golden decks of your choice.

    For a long time now I have been buying packs instead of dusting cards when I needed dust. Therefore, on top of the golden legendaries, I have hundreds of golden commons, rares and epics you get to dust if you chose to, but obviously I think this collection should be bought by someone who wants to build golden decks. If I type « golden » in the search bar of my collection, I get 104 pages of results. Try yours!

    As I haven't been playing since beta like some lucky people, I miss some cardbacks, mostly from April 2014 until September 2015, but I got 88 cardbacks, including Dalaran Flame, Power Core, Legendary, Call of the Void and Call of the Light, Legacy of the Void, Overwatch, and pre-purchases not available anymore (Warlods of Draenor, Karazhan Nights, Un’Goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, Whispers of the Old Gods, Kobolds & Catacombs, Witchwood, Boomsday, Rise of Shadows…).

    On top of everything you’ll get all classes golden, 4000+ Gold, many extra heroes (Lunara, Alleria, Fire Mage Jaina, Khadgar, Medivh, Liadrin, Arthas, Sir Annoy-O, King Anduin, Madame Lazul, Tyrande, Maiev, Morgl, Shadow Gul'Dan, Mecha-Jaraxxus, Nemsy, Corrupt Garrosh, Magni), 12000+ wins, 1200+ Arena Wins (including Lightforge Key for 12 wins), and all adventures purchased.

    I’ll be happy (and a bit sad) to answer all your questions.
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  2. ShadowM00n

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    are you online now ? im interested, can we talk first through dm, i cant send you a message because of your privacy setting.
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