Selling  2000000 Gems  1-60 Minutes *Verified Seller* Purchase Gems,RSS. Prices from 27$(100k Gems). PayPal/Venmo(US)

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Starlord_9, 12/14/18.

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  1. Starlord_9

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    Gem Store, buy your Lords Mobile Gems/RSS with 100% happiness.

    Whatever your might or kingdom I’ll hook you up with order of any amount of gems and RSS.

    Before you click Buy Now here, please message me on line app (ID is listed below).

    Gem prices :

    Might Price
    [per 100 k gems]
    0-100 m $27
    100-200 m $28
    200-300 m $29
    300-400 m $30
    400-500 m $31
    For prices above 500 m might accounts, drop a message on line app.

    Prices for orders above 1 million gems are #.

    What you should know before buying GEMS:

    • As you may know, in Lords Mobile, we can't transfer GEMS, it can only be sent as speedup, brave hearts, shield and etc..
    • We will send you the speed up or items via Gift shop so we don't have to be in the same kingdom, only need to be in the same GUILD.
    • Things most people buy: Speed ups, Holy stars, VIP points, Special building materials, Re-locators, Brave-hearts etc.

    Contact me on Line, ID: starlord_9
    Drop a message on line for any questions or queries.

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  2. PlayerUp

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