Sold Vega account level 42 base for sale.

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by r3ckrace, 8/25/16.

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  1. r3ckrace

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    I've been playing Vega for a few months but I have grown tired of the grind.
    The account isn't that special really. It has the freyja and python cutters as the only prize ships. Most prize blueprints are only up to tiers 2, some tier 3.
    Coin generator currently.lvl 6 at 14 coins a day.
    169 medals for the base.

    Price: $120 Payment method: paypal

    *some ships are still empty*

    1 freyja carrier built.
    2 fleets of taipan cutters.
    3 fleets of venom battleships, mk2 & mk3.
    4 fleets of rancor battleships Mk2.
    4 fleets exodus cruisers mk2 & mk3.
    3 fleets broadside destroyers mk2 &mk3.
    2 fleets long sword destroyers mk2.
    4 fleets of genesis crusiers.
    2 fleets of cargo talons, mk3.
    1 fleet of night hawk frigates.

    Contact me if you want more info and pictures of the account: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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