Sold Vega 51 lvl base for selling 5x Punisher, 2x Javelin, 2x Domination 8,751coins

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Leszek, 3/28/17.

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  1. Leszek

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    Hallo, very good account for selling look you self...
    Coins currently on account: 8,751 coins

    All BluePrints on Vega and Vsec
    All Event Ship BluePrints
    All most all BluePrints Event

    Dont have yet Blueprints: (this is tech no need to be powerfull look you self, only uniqle item is select "!")

    Weapons FOR SHIP

    -Neutron T3 (for ship)"!"
    -Storm Driver T2,T3 (for ship)
    -Fissure Torpedo T3 (for ship)
    -Bayonet Missile T2,T3 (for ship)
    -Arrestor Beam T2,T3 (for ship)
    -Arc Missile T2,T3 (for ship)
    -Intercreptor Squadron T1,T2,T3 (for ship)

    Weapons FOR BASE
    -Brust Ray Turrent T1,T2,T3 (for base)
    -Gatling Ray Turrent T2,T3 (for Base)
    -Arc Missile Turrent T1,T2,T3 (for base)
    -Vector Torpedo T2,T3 (for base)

    Armor FOR SHIP
    -Antimatter Scoop T3 (for ship)
    Specials FOR SHIP
    -Unstable reactor T3 (for ship)
    -Electric Rails T1,T2,T3 (for ship)
    -Overcharged Warheads T1,T2,T3 (for ship) "this other players dont have too becouse this will be first time in event"

    Base 50 lvl (4,580,859/4,584,000 XP) soon 51 lvl

    Brige VII lvl
    (Max lvl)
    Factory XI lvl
    (Max lvl)
    Fleet Bay XIII
    (Max lvl) "81,600 tons"
    Storage 10x XII lvl
    (Max lvl)
    Silos 10x XII lvl
    (Max lvl)
    Comerce Module VII lvl
    WorkShop IX lvl
    (Max lvl)
    Helium-3 Minter 14x (12x X lvl 1x VIII lvl and 1x VI lvl)
    Mineral Ore Minter 14x (12x X lvl 1x VIII lvl and 1x VI lvl)
    Combat Module 14x (13x XI lvl and
    1x XII lvl Max lvl)
    Terminus Mine 14x V lvl
    (All Max lvl)


    Flag Ship/Carrier
    4x Javelin (2x Build ready to use)
    2x Domination
    3x Freyja
    2x Ragnarok (1x MK IV 1x MKV)
    2x Valkyrie
    1x Midgard MK III

    12x Hellfire (10x MK II)
    3x Vigilante
    11x Zeal (1x MK V 2x MK III)
    6x Dread (1x MK V)
    2x Fury MK IV
    36x Venom MK III
    60x Rancor MK II

    5x Punisher
    1x Covenant MK IV
    4x Heretic (2x MK V)
    6x Corinthian (1x MK II)
    2x Apocrypha MK V
    3x Revelation (1x MK IV 2x MK III)
    6x Exodus MK III
    6x Genesis MK II

    5x Balisk (1x MK IV 1x MKV)
    6x Python
    1x Komodo
    6x Gharial (1x MK III)
    6x Taipan (1x MK IV 5x MK III)

    1x Lance
    25x Broadsword MK III
    15x Longbow

    2x Condor (1x MK II)
    12x Nighthawk MK IV (use to cargo 2x fleet hold 16,092,000)
    6x Talon MK III

    Price : 400$

    For more info kontakt my on email [email protected]
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