Valorant NA Ranked Ready Accounts ⭐️ You can play on US West (Oregon)/ US West (N. California) / US East (N. Virginia) / US Central (Texas) / US Central (Illinois) / US Central (Georgia) • Accounts are ranked-ready & 20 level. • No ranked match played before on all the accounts. • Accounts are handmade, it is leveled by me or someone from my team. • Life-time warranty & I guarantee that account will be yours forever. • Email and password changeable. Accounts will be delivered with no mail linked to them, so you'll put your mail there directly. No extra mail codes are needed. ⭐️Accounts will be delivered instantly with the following information by an automatic system: 1.) ID: 2.) Password: 3.) Account creation date: 4.) Birthday on the account: 5.) First mail of the account: Note: cant give the full access to the first mail since more than one account created with this mail. Also Bulk Prices: 2x bulk = $7.5 Per Account. 4x bulk = $6.7 Per Account. 8x bulk = $6 Per Account. 8 USD Per Account. (Crypto, Card Payment, Google Pay And Paypal is accepted.) Instant Buy: https://accountcenters.Prohibited/ Discord: Emres#0661