Hey guys i want to sell this account i have good characters, and i left this game for a long time ago and i really want to sell it, i will leave you with the pictures: https://ibb.co/gKjdcw https://ibb.co/jnZBxw https://ibb.co/do9N4b https://ibb.co/kCqjHw https://ibb.co/hJJh4b https://ibb.co/cTAJcw https://ibb.co/iAzYAG https://ibb.co/dvGkPb https://ibb.co/nyh3AG https://ibb.co/k4GVqG https://ibb.co/fNxgxw https://ibb.co/jj6Kjb https://ibb.co/b3SQPb https://ibb.co/hvOAqG i only want 20$ , please help me to sell this account text me on discord and whatsapp: discord: BLoodThirsty#6220 whatspp: +966594700045 only paypal and thank you.