V14 - Sv 70395 - Player lv 229 - 1 skin Lunox legend - 10 Epic skins

Discussion in 'Mobile Legends Adventure Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Maynard Le, 4/4/23.

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  1. Maynard Le

    Maynard Le
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    Hello everyone,
    I'd like to sell account, at least 1500$ spent, perfect start for current #. Full access and ready to bind all devices.
    - 56 awakened heroes.
    - Heroes level: 456
    - Tower lv: 111
    - Always Hornor arena.
    - Miracle tower around 500+
    - Bunches of resources + 20k diamond in inventory for continue.
    - 1 skin legend and 10 epic.
    Lunox and Shah Torre full upgraded.
    For more info please contact me via:
    - Pm In game ID.
    - Discord: Maynard#4691
    - Whatapps: +84 935816316
    Thank for reading.
    #1 Maynard Le, 4/4/23
    Last edited: 4/4/23
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