Sold Uspc hero 212cr 318sp, og smoke void phoenix timetorn speed force materials

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MikeShinoda, 11/26/17.

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  1. MikeShinoda

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    Selling another US PC account, that has 318 SP, 212 CR and 4 materials on it: Negativ Speed Force, Phoenix, Void and TimeTorn.
    Also a bunch of auras, such as Dark Flame, Corrupted, Radiant, Killer Frost's Shoulder, Azure Mist, Solar and OG SMOKE and much more.
    It has 2 bases with total of 8 armories and a very cool base style with some really rare base items.
    Time capsules mostly done, it has something missed, but close to go.
    212 CR moded with previous DLC mods, also base mods is maxed too.
    Bank slots is maxed out, same with inventory slots. A lot of marketplace items has been bought, such as Aura packs, BvS emblems, Cowls, Style Items.
    It has 55 Mills of cash, so you can catch up on new capsules easily.
    I'm asking for 575 USD for it, price can be # tho. Paypal payment.
    You can contact me via Email: [email protected] or via PM in here.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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