USPC Account : 102 CR | 99 CR | & Various 60-70 CR toons - 150$!

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/24/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hero - Sorcery - 103 CR PVE 89 CR PVP

    Hero - Rage - 99 CR PVE 90 CR PVP

    Villain - Quantum - 70 CR PVE 90 CR PVP

    And various other level 30s with Celestial, Mental, Electricty

    11 characters total.

    I prefer to sell by . PM me for link.

    I cannot post images as I do not have 5 posts, PM me for images.

    Account comes with 1000 SC.

    I only accept Paypal.

    I will not lower my price, 150.00 is extremely cheap considering the amount of money people spend on this game and the status of the characters.

    Interested if it isn't sold, will skype u



    If u like to trade account pm me

    This is not up for trade.


    Op update

    Originally Posted by kodytheruler


    Hero - sorcery - 103 cr pve 89 cr pvp

    hero - rage - 100 cr pve 90 cr pvp

    villain - quantum - 78 cr pve 90 cr pvp

    and various other level 30s with celestial, mental, electricty

    13 characters total.

    I prefer to sell by . Pm me for link.

    I cannot post images as i do not have 5 posts, pm me for images.

    Account comes with 1m cash and 10m+ in sellable items.

    I only accept paypal.

    I will not lower my price, 150.00 is extremely cheap considering the amount of money people spend on this game and the status of the characters.




    Originally Posted by kodytheruler


    Hero - celestial - 103 cr pve 90 cr pvp

    hero - rage - 100 cr pve 90 cr pvp

    villain - quantum - 80 cr pve 90 cr pvp

    and various other level 30s with celestial, mental, electricty

    13 characters total.

    I prefer to sell by . Pm me for link.

    I only accept paypal.

    I will not lower my price, 150.00 is extremely cheap considering the amount of money people spend on this game and the status of the characters.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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