Sold [USA-WV] [H] Gameboy Pokemon Games [W] Paypal or similar

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/fiddlenutz, 4/24/24.

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  1. /u/fiddlenutz

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    What I have:

    Pokemon Yellow BOTH SOLD

    Pokemon Gold SOLD

    Pokemon Silver SOLD

    First of all, all games are in very good physical condition. Both Pokemon Yellow saves fine, Pokemon Silver and Gold have a dry battery. All games are authentic.

    Looking for:

    SOLD on each Pokemon Yellow.

    SOLD shipped each for Gold and Silver.

    You want a combo deal? Just ask and I’ll hook you up.

    Paypal preferred, but can accept other forms of payment as well. Just ask.


    # #/fiddlenutz
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