Sold [USA-TX][H] PayPal [W] N64 Games

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/KingCornWallis, 4/10/24.

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  1. /u/KingCornWallis

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    Gifting a family member an HDMI modded N64 with four Brawler Wireless Controllers. Looking for a few games from their childhood that hopefully do not break the bank. Here's the list:

    1. Star Fox 64
    2. NFL Blitz
    3. NBA Hang Time
    4. Goldeneye 007
    5. Super Smash Bros
    6. Major League Baseball Ken Griffy Jr

    Front Label and cart shell should be in good shape, can deal with other issues/dead batteries. Thanks

    # #/KingCornWallis
    # .
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