Selling some old Gamecube games that have been sitting in storage. All games tested and working. What is in the photos is what is included. $5 shipping, any order over $50 is free shipping. Paypal G&S only Photos here: Game Case Manuals Price Mario Kart Double Dash Yes Yes 80 Bloody Roar: Primal Fury Yes No 50 Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Yes No 15 Amazing Island Yes Yes 35 Animal Crossing Yes Yes 55 Mario Party 4 Yes Yes 60 Mario Party 7 Yes Yes 50 Mario Superstar Baseball Yes Yes 57 Super Smash Bros. Melee Yes No 55 Rampage Total Destruction Yes Yes 15 1080 Avalanche Yes Yes 15 TimeSplitters 2 Yes Yes 25 Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Yes Yes 23 # #/xRichless # .