Sold [USA-IL [H Paypal/Trustap [W TLOZ: Breath (Digital or Physical)

Discussion in 'Rust Boosting for Sale - Buy Rust Powerleveling' started by /u/Hero-of-Timeout, 1/16/20.

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  1. /u/Hero-of-Timeout

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    Looking for competitive offers for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I can throw in a $5 Gamestop giftcard for a really good one. Preference given to offers w/ Digital+DLC. (Please include shipping if physical)

    If using PayPal, I'll have to make sure it works first before payment. (Sorry, better safe than sorry)


    We can use Trustap if you're interested. It's a secure transaction platform for online trade between individuals. Check it out, and if you're cool with that, I'll front the 4.4% fee. :)

    Thanks everyone!

    # #/Hero-of-Timeout
    # .
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