Sold [USA] [H] Xbox 360/One, 3/DS, PS Vita & Nintendo Switch Games, Grey Joycons, Fallout 4 Pip...

Discussion in 'Nintendo Switch Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/FallenPrecursor, 9/25/17.

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  1. /u/FallenPrecursor

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    If you're on mobile you might want to open this up on a browser!!

    • Prices are # but my set prices do include shipping and depending on your location and how many items you buy, I might be willing to include a #.

    Everything is CIB unless stated otherwise, Pictures on request! Less than $15 and you have to pay shipping, $15+ and shipping is free!

    • Willing to negotiate on bundle prices if you'd like to add something from another section of my list that isn't included in the bundle.

    #/GameSwap[/URL] post Here! if you'd like to swap and see a full list. What is on this list are the things I want to sell or trade, if it's not in this list then I'm not selling.

    Assassins Creed III (Disc Only: Both Discs) $5
    Call of Duty Black Ops (Disc Only) $5
    Dark Souls II $5 (Disc Only)
    Dishonored: GOTY $8
    Persona 4 Arena Ultimax $12
    Zone of the Enders HD Collection (New, Sealed) $5
    • All Xbox 360 Games individually would come to $40 but I'll sell them as a bundle for $35!
    Xbox One
    Gears of War 4: Ultimate Edition (Includes Physical Disc + Season Pass + Gears 1-3 & Judgment) No Case! $20
    Rhythm Heaven $12
    The Legend of Legacy Launch Special Edition (40-Page Artbook + Music CD + CIB Game) $35
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars $8
    • All 3DS games individually would come to $43 but I'll bundle them together for $40
    PS Vita
    Dragon's Crown $25
    Grand Kingdom: Grand Edition $120
    Nintendo Switch
    Grey Joycons $65
    The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ (First Print w/ Manual & Stickers) $40
    • I'll sell both items for $100 instead of $105!
    Fallout 4 - Pip-Boy Edition (Just the box & Pip-Boy) $60
    Figma Durarara!!x2 Celty Sturluson CiB Opened $45
    Figma Durarara!!x2 Shizuo Heiwajima CiB Opened $50
    Fullmetal Alchemist Conqueror of Shamballa Special Edition DVD $12
    Halo Escalation Volume 1-3 $6 each or $14 for all three
    Outcast Volume 2 $7 (Will throw in the first issue for free if bought)
    Saga Volume 1-3 $5 each or $12 for all three
    The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings: Paperback $15
    Red vs Blue Season 11 (Blu-Ray) $8
    Red vs Blue Season 12 (Blu-Ray + DVD Combo Pack) $8
    Red vs Blue Season 13 (Blu-Ray + DVD Combo Pack) $8
    Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Collector's Set $50 (Everything but the game)

    • Both Figmas for $90 instead of $95 if bought together

    • All RvB movies individually would come to $24 but I'll sell them as a bundle for $20
    Amazon Credit
    Best Buy Giftcards
    eShop Credit
    Steam Currency
    Steam Wishlist
    Bokoblin: Breath of the Wild
    Corrin (Player 2)
    Skyward Sword Link
    SSB Sheik
    Zero Suit Samus
    Nintendo Switch
    LEGO City Undercover
    Nintendo Switch Dock Set
    Super Bomberman R
    Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
    Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX
    The Last Guardian
    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

    Successful Sales and Swaps, Here!

    # #/FallenPrecursor
    #1 /u/FallenPrecursor, 9/25/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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